When Principal Paul Flanders talked to his staff in Brisbane, and showed photos of his visit to Mithra in 2014, Lyn Dagis, a staff member, remembers saying to herself: “I have to go there to lend a hand!” The next thing she remembers is having coffee with close friend Julia Albrecht and blurting out: “Would you like to go to India!” Julia was all for it, but then the reality hit. “How are we going to make this happen!” As they say, the rest is history.
In September 2016, Lyn & Julia with the help of Helen Mahoney, found themselves at Mithra in Chennai, offering help to the Sisters, staff and students. Julia’s background is in Special Education and she was able to affirm the teachers and offer them ideas and resources. Both ladies found so much to do, not least building trust and relationships with the children. As they reflect on the three unforgettable weeks as volunteers, the children’s smiles and calls of “Aunty, Aunty!” are imprinted in their hearts and minds. Their lasting impression is of the dedication of the teachers, and of the more abled children helping the less abled. Julia & Lyn both want to return to Mithra, and they hope to invite family and friends to join them.
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